Communication Skills.

InspirationIntegrity | Innovation


The over-riding aim of this highly interactive programme is to promoting dignity & respect in the workplace. It will have a positive focus, looking at how we can prevent conflict occurring with increased self-awareness about how our behaviour affects others.

Time to Reflect.

  • What impact would increasing your ability to approach work colleagues about issues and problems have on your productivity at work?
  • How does your level of emotional intelligence link to your ability to deal proactively with conflict?
  • How can we remain professional when dealing with potential conflict with other team members?
  • The intervention will introduce concepts, tips and ideas that can be used to improve the quality of the conversations in the work environment. This will enable delegates to broach issues with others that might otherwise fester if they are not nipped in the bud. 
  • The programme will encourage delegates to explore the impact of the four communication traits outlined in the DISC personality profiling tool. A link to an online free quiz will be sent out prior to the training.

Learning Objectives.

By the end of the programme, the delegates will have;
  1. Briefly discussed the concepts of Dignity & Respect in the workplace in order to highlight the need for quality conversations.
  3. Increased self-awareness around how their communication style affects how they are perceived by work colleagues. Using DISC profiling tool, we will explore the impact of how people approach challenging interactions.
  5. Learnt practical skills and positive techniques to be more open and honest in their communications with work colleagues (and how this is equally important when working remotely)
  7. Reflected on how conflict in the workplace isn’t always a negative event – learning how to deal with it proactively so that the parties involved can move forward with increased understanding. 
  9. Practice using skills that can be used to deliver feedback and nip issues in the bud.

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